Data Analysis Exercise (4/18)


As part of this activity, you all will download this interview transcript excerpt (from a real interview I conducted last year about students’ creating multimedia projects) and practice analyzing it. But first, some context:

  • I am the interviewer (L) and the student (S) is an undergraduate who made an audio project that was a fake interview between her group members (Alex and Haroon) and Kanye West. So they spliced together audio clips to make it sound like they were talking to Kanye.
  • I was interested in asking her how she created the project both in terms of where their ideas came from and how they actually worked together to create the audio project.

So for the sake of this exercise, pretend that you’re writing a research paper for this class that involves these following component parts:

  • Your research question is: “How do students work in group to create complex, multimedia projects for their college classes?”
  • The literature largely states that students work digitally on projects through Google Docs without meeting in person. It also talks about how students create visual presentations together but doesn’t address how students put together any other sort of genre or work in other media. Finally, the research notes how students learn to create these sorts of multimedia projects through high school digital literacy courses.

And so, after reading this transcript and looking for interesting bits, pieces, and patterns, talk with your group about what pieces of data (quotes, passages, etc.) you’d pull out here in order to construct findings, results, and/or discussion in a paper based on this topic. Also, how would you position what’s in this data against what’s stated in the literature in order to develop a thesis statement?

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